Instant Podcast Leader Award

Did you ever dream of being a beauty pageant title holder, or wondered how it feels like to be one? For a day I got to experience how to wear an elegant crown and a sash representing my country, all thanks to Soul Rich Woman.

Thank you to my mentor Genecia Alluora for having the confidence and trust that by being an Elite Instant Podcast Leader, I can represent the mission of Soul Rich Woman. Thank you to my podcast coach Joanne Lee for always reminding me when I make mistakes during recording that I do not need to be perfect, it is more important to be the authentic me.

πŸ‘ΈπŸ»I wear this crown with pride because it came as a fruit of having the courage to take action on a dream - to be of help to other women. I must say that the launch of my first episode has been successful. I measure it not by how many people have listened, but by how many people have sent me messages that they have been inspired by my sharing. THANK YOU, you are the ones inspiring me. πŸ’–

This award will be a reminder to me that everyday people like us need not be perfect to make a difference to others. But we need to get heard and take action on our purpose. So if you have a dream that still remains to be a dream, I am encouraging you to take action. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. πŸ₯°

If you want to know more about why I am doing this podcast, please click the link and listen to my 2nd Episode:

If you want to learn how to do this, make sure you sign up for the Skills Future Approved podcast training right away.


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